This commit is contained in:
@ -827,57 +827,36 @@ require('lazy').setup({
opts = {
lazy = true,
model = 'dolphin-llama3:latest', -- The default model to use.
cmd = {
quit_map = 'q', -- set keymap to close the response window
retry_map = '<c-r>', -- set keymap to re-send the current prompt
accept_map = '<c-cr>', -- set keymap to replace the previous selection with the last result
host = 'localhost', -- The host running the Ollama service.
port = '11434', -- The port on which the Ollama service is listening.
display_mode = 'float', -- The display mode. Can be "float" or "split" or "horizontal-split".
show_prompt = false, -- Shows the prompt submitted to Ollama.
show_model = false, -- Displays which model you are using at the beginning of your chat session.
no_auto_close = false, -- Never closes the window automatically.
file = false, -- Write the payload to a temporary file to keep the command short.
hidden = false, -- Hide the generation window (if true, will implicitly set `prompt.replace = true`), requires Neovim >= 0.10
init = function(options)
pcall(io.popen, 'ollama serve > /dev/null 2>&1 &')
-- Function to initialize Ollama
command = function(options)
local body = { model = options.model, stream = true }
return 'curl --silent --no-buffer -X POST http://' .. options.host .. ':' .. options.port .. '/api/chat -d $body'
-- The command for the Ollama service. You can use placeholders $prompt, $model and $body (shellescaped).
-- This can also be a command string.
-- The executed command must return a JSON object with { response, context }
-- (context property is optional).
-- list_models = '<omitted lua function>', -- Retrieves a list of model names
debug = true, -- Prints errors and the command which is run.
config = function()
-- optional for floating window border decoration
require('gen').prompts['Fix_Code'] = {
dependencies = {
prompt = 'Fix the following code. Only ouput the result in format ```$filetype\n...\n```:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```',
replace = true,
extract = '```$filetype\n(.-)```',
model = 'codellama:latest',
require('gen').prompts['Enhance_Code'] = {
prompt = 'Fix the following code. Only ouput the result in format ```$filetype\n...\n```:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```',
replace = true,
extract = '```$filetype\n(.-)```',
model = 'codellama:latest',
Review_Code = {
prompt = 'Review the following code and make concise suggestions:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```',
model = 'codellama:latest',
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>lo', vim.cmd.Gen, { desc = '[O]llama AI' }),
-- setting the keybinding for LazyGit with 'keys' is recommended in
-- order to load the plugin when the command is run for the first time
keys = {
{ "<leader>lg", "<cmd>LazyGit<cr>", desc = "LazyGit" }
}, {
dependencies = {
"hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", -- Optional: For using slash commands and variables in the chat buffer
"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- Optional: For using slash commands
{ "stevearc/dressing.nvim", opts = {} }, -- Optional: Improves `vim.ui.select`
config = true
event = 'VeryLazy',
event = 'VeryLazy',
Reference in New Issue
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