extwislogo # `/extractwisdom` `extract-wisdom` is a [Fabric](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric) pattern that _extracts wisdom_ from any text.
[Description](#description) • [Installation](#installation) • [Examples](#examples) • [Meta](#meta)

> **NOTE**
> These are not the correct instructions yet, so hold off until this note is removed. ## Description `extract-wisdom` is _extracts wisdom_ from any content that can be turned into a text format. For example: - Podcast transcripts - Academic papers - Essays - Blog posts - Etc… Really, anything you can get into text! ### Problem The problem that `extractwisdom` is addressing is the fact that there's **too much content** out there. Too many YouTube videos, too many podcasts, too many academic papers, too many blog posts, and so on. ## Installation You can install `extractwisdom` by executing this command. ```sh curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/fabric/main/install.sh | bash ``` ## Examples Here are some examples of how to use `extractwisdom`. ```sh z foo # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo ``` ```sh z foo bar # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo and bar ``` ## Meta - Author: Daniel Miessler - Published: January 5, 2024