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extract-wisdom is a Fabric pattern that extracts wisdom from any text.



extract-wisdom (extwis) is a Fabric pattern that extracts wisdom from any text. For example:

  • Podcast transcripts
  • Academic papers
  • Essays
  • Blog posts
  • Anything you can get into text!




  • Author: Daniel Miessler
  • Published: January 5, 2024



z foo              # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo
z foo bar          # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo and bar
z foo /            # cd into a subdirectory starting with foo

z ~/foo            # z also works like a regular cd command
z foo/             # cd into relative path
z ..               # cd one level up
z -                # cd into previous directory

zi foo             # cd with interactive selection (using fzf)

z foo<SPACE><TAB>  # show interactive completions (zoxide v0.8.0+, bash 4.4+/fish/zsh only)

Read more about the matching algorithm [here][algorithm-matching].


zoxide can be installed in 4 easy steps:

  1. Install binary

    zoxide runs on most major platforms. If your platform isn't listed below, please [open an issue][issues].


    The recommended way to install zoxide is via the install script:

    curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/main/install.sh | bash

    Or, you can use a package manager:

    Distribution Repository Instructions
    Any [crates.io] cargo install zoxide --locked
    Any [asdf] asdf plugin add zoxide https://github.com/nyrst/asdf-zoxide.git
    asdf install zoxide latest
    Any [conda-forge] conda install -c conda-forge zoxide
    Any [Linuxbrew] brew install zoxide
    Any [nixpkgs] nix-env -iA nixpkgs.zoxide
    Alpine Linux 3.13+ [Alpine Linux Packages] apk add zoxide
    Arch Linux [Arch Linux Extra] pacman -S zoxide
    CentOS 7+ [Copr] dnf copr enable atim/zoxide
    dnf install zoxide
    Debian 11+[^1] [Debian Packages] apt install zoxide
    Devuan 4.0+[^1] [Devuan Packages] apt install zoxide
    Fedora 32+ [Fedora Packages] dnf install zoxide
    Gentoo [GURU Overlay] eselect repository enable guru
    emerge --sync guru
    emerge app-shells/zoxide
    Manjaro pacman -S zoxide
    openSUSE Tumbleweed [openSUSE Factory] zypper install zoxide
    Parrot OS[^1] apt install zoxide
    Raspbian 11+[^1] [Raspbian Packages] apt install zoxide
    Rhino Linux [Pacstall Packages] pacstall -I zoxide-deb
    Slackware 15.0+ [SlackBuilds] [Instructions][slackbuilds-howto]
    Ubuntu 21.04+[^1] [Ubuntu Packages] apt install zoxide
    Void Linux [Void Linux Packages] xbps-install -S zoxide

    To install zoxide, use a package manager:

    Repository Instructions
    [crates.io] cargo install zoxide --locked
    [Homebrew] brew install zoxide
    [asdf] asdf plugin add zoxide https://github.com/nyrst/asdf-zoxide.git
    asdf install zoxide latest
    [conda-forge] conda install -c conda-forge zoxide
    [MacPorts] port install zoxide
    [nixpkgs] nix-env -iA nixpkgs.zoxide

    Or, run this command in your terminal:

    curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/main/install.sh | bash

    The recommended way to install zoxide is via winget:

    winget install ajeetdsouza.zoxide

    Or, you can use an alternative package manager:

    Repository Instructions
    [crates.io] cargo install zoxide --locked
    [Chocolatey] choco install zoxide
    [conda-forge] conda install -c conda-forge zoxide
    [Scoop] scoop install zoxide

    If you're using Cygwin, Git Bash, or MSYS2, use the install script instead:

    curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/main/install.sh | bash

    To install zoxide, use a package manager:

    Distribution Repository Instructions
    Any [crates.io] cargo install zoxide --locked
    DragonFly BSD [DPorts] pkg install zoxide
    FreeBSD [FreshPorts] pkg install zoxide
    NetBSD [pkgsrc] pkgin install zoxide

    To install zoxide, use a package manager:

    Repository Instructions
    [Termux] pkg install zoxide



When calling zoxide init, the following flags are available:

  • --cmd
    • Changes the prefix of the z and zi commands.
    • --cmd j would change the commands to (j, ji).
    • --cmd cd would replace the cd command (doesn't work on Nushell / POSIX shells).
  • --hook <HOOK>
    • Changes how often zoxide increments a directory's score:
      Hook Description
      none Never
      prompt At every shell prompt
      pwd Whenever the directory is changed
  • --no-cmd
    • Prevents zoxide from defining the z and zi commands.
    • These functions will still be available in your shell as __zoxide_z and __zoxide_zi, should you choose to redefine them.

Environment variables

Environment variables[^2] can be used for configuration. They must be set before zoxide init is called.

    • Specifies the directory in which the database is stored.
    • The default value varies across OSes:
      OS Path Example
      Linux / BSD $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share /home/alice/.local/share
      macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support
      Windows %LOCALAPPDATA% C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local
  • _ZO_ECHO
    • When set to 1, z will print the matched directory before navigating to it.
    • Excludes the specified directories from the database.
    • This is provided as a list of [globs][glob], separated by OS-specific characters:
      OS Separator Example
      Linux / macOS / BSD : $HOME:$HOME/private/*
      Windows ; $HOME;$HOME/private/*
    • By default, this is set to "$HOME".
    • Custom options to pass to [fzf] during interactive selection. See [man fzf][fzf-man] for the list of options.
    • Configures the [aging algorithm][algorithm-aging], which limits the maximum number of entries in the database.
    • By default, this is set to 10000.
    • When set to 1, z will resolve symlinks before adding directories to the database.