{config, ...}: { virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."restreamer" = { image = "docker.io/datarhei/restreamer:latest"; environmentFiles = [config.age.secrets.restreamer-env.path]; # Modified ports to include RTMPS ports = [ "" # Web UI "" # RTMP ]; volumes = [ "restreamer_data:/core/data" "restreamer_config:/core/config" ]; extraOptions = ["--add-host=postgres:" "--ip=" "--network=web"]; }; # Traefik configuration services.traefik = { dynamicConfigOptions = { http = { services.restreamer.loadBalancer.servers = [ { url = "http://localhost:3006/"; } ]; routers.restreamer = { rule = "Host(`stream.m3tam3re.com`)"; tls = { certResolver = "godaddy"; }; service = "restreamer"; entrypoints = ["websecure"]; }; }; tcp = { services = { rtmp-service.loadBalancer.servers = [ { address = "localhost:1936"; } ]; rtmps-service.loadBalancer.servers = [ { address = "localhost:1936"; } ]; }; routers = { rtmp = { rule = "HostSNI(`*`)"; # Changed to accept all SNI service = "rtmp-service"; entryPoints = ["rtmp"]; }; rtmps = { rule = "HostSNI(`stream.m3tam3re.com`)"; service = "rtmps-service"; entryPoints = ["rtmps"]; tls = { certResolver = "godaddy"; passthrough = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; # Firewall configuration networking.firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [80 443 1935 1945]; }; }